Make Saints
Because (eternal) life is hard. We all need help; with life, work, love, and everything else. Make Saints is a podcast about that side of life. The part that's hard but seems like it's supposed to be easy. And that moment when we realize that none of us is perfect.
Podcasting since 2021 • 92 episodes
Make Saints
Latest Episodes
It’s not controversial just because you say it is.
Some treat the word “controversial” as neutral. But it is anything but. It is entirely based on the common act of determining what’s right.Photo by
Season 5
Episode 92

It's a thousand things
When we think there is only one thing (solution, answer, problem, thing to focus on) we miss exactly what is causing our frustration.Photo by
Season 9
Episode 91

We see more than fish
In the US, we treat every issue as being in need of simplifying—through this we can uncover an essential truth. We couldn’t be more wrong.Photo by
Season 5
Episode 90